Upcode Academy
About the company: 

UpCode Academy is a programming school in Singapore. We train and upgrade people with industry-ready coding skills.

Job Description and Requirements:  

Want to write and create content for the media arm of a fast-growing startup? UpCode Academy is a programming school in Singapore. We train and upgrade people with industry-ready coding skills. Now, we want to inspire them to be tech entrepreneurs as well.

- Doing research on and writing 2-3 opinionated and well-articulated articles per week on the technology and/or startup scene (with some focus on Singapore); you will be provided with guidance on the content of these articles in the first few weeks, after which you will be expected to propose suitable topics for at least 1 article per week
- Assisting in the management of the media arm’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts
- Keeping up with trends in the tech and startup scene

You are the perfect applicant for the job if you:
- Have a good command of English and are able to express yourself in a logical and coherent manner through writing
- Are interested in technology, technological developments, startups, startup culture and/or entrepreneurship
- Are dedicated to writing articles of high quality
- Have some experience in social media management or are a frequent user of Facebook, Instagram and Twitter
- Understand the importance of creating compelling content and are interested in exploring new ways of presenting content
- Enjoy working independently

If this sounds like you, do send your CV, cover letter and a sample of your writing to rachel@upcodeacademy.com.

Job Type






Closing Date

Nov 03 2018