About the company: 

Flowriter, a hardware startup based in Singapore, is looking for core team members.

Flowriter was founded in mid-2015 to bring to the world an important piece of ‘tech’: a dedicated writing device that delivers a distraction-free, zen-like writing experience for people who write often and/or enjoy writing.

We are a young hardware startup, currently laser-focused on developing our product for the market.

Job Description and Requirements:  

You will work shoulder-to-shoulder with the company founder to bring Flowriter from early prototype to finished mass-market product.

Your role is to:
- be a fan and evangelist of the product (you must at least enjoy the art of writing)
- co-determine the technical direction and co-create the technology of the product with the founder
- code and debug large parts of the software during the early prototyping stage
- remain positive and motivated amidst the stresses related to startup life (you will learn a lot while at it)
work roughly 1/2 the number of hours as a full-time job

You’re good at:
- Java programming
- backend development and adapting nimbly at the frontend
- finding/researching anything under the sun (on the web)
- making things happen with the team under tight deadlines

Hallelujah-worthy extras:
- knowledge and passion for hardware (electronics)
- interest in entrepreneurship

Job Type

Part Time


500 /mth



Closing Date

Jun 30 2016